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Monday, June 14, 2010

I ♥ Faces Week 24- All About Babies!

This little babe was born 3 months ago tonight! I subjected her to this photo shoot the day I got home from the hospital...Can't lose that newborn curl, right?

During the shoot, my two year old son was watching/helping, and when I took the baby's clothes off, he exclaimed, "Mommy! We hafta take the tag off!" In reference to her umbilical cord. Made me smile then, and it makes me smile now!

This week at I♥faces, it's all about tiny babies! Click the button below and check it out!


  1. Aww!! I love the angle and the use of textures. The soft blanket against the rough basket is wonderful!

  2. What a fun memory attached to a very fun photo! I love it!

  3. Lovely shot. So sweet.
    And your son's reaction makes it even better.
    Hehehe ;)

  4. Cute story! And a photo to match it. So sweet.
